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Man of Steel

I went and saw The Dark Knight Rises last night; I may write up a bit of commentary on it, but to say the least, it was a great conclusion to a great trilogy. (Oh, and reserved movie seating might be the best thing since sliced bread.) However, what’s now become a little bee in my head is the trailer for Man of Steel. With Zack Snyder behind the camera, it ought to be a visual treat, but the real surprise (of sorts) is that Christopher Nolan is producing—and, apparently, had a role in the writing of the story.

This just became another superhero movie to keep my eyes on.

Quick Links, Stuff I'm Digging


It seems to be app day. This looks like a terribly handy app for someone like myself, who often goes into a place with a bit of tunnel vision, focused purely on what most recently occurred to me as being required. What really sealed the deal was the great promo video, equal parts informative, entertaining, and awkward—always a sure combination in my books. (I have no idea what that guy’s bizarre accent is, but that surely adds to the charm.) It’s on an introductory special, so grab it for yourself and stop forgetting already!

Via Yewknee.

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Boom, There It Is

The amazing—and slightly horrifying, especially if you own one of those boats—photo above is what 18 minutes of fireworks compressed into 15 seconds looks like. As a kid who spent many Halloween hours hollowing out the contents of pyrotechnics and recombining them to create “super” fireworks, I’m terribly sad I wasn’t present. Read about it and see a video here (though, honestly, the picture is better than the video—despite what you may assume).


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The Man with the Iron Fists – Trailer

Aw, sheeeit! RZA’s stepping behind the camera to make his directorial debut with The Man with the Iron Fists, co-written by the man himself and Eli Roth (aka the Bear Jew). Check the trailer: kung fu and killer bees! (Though, I didn’t actually see any killer bees.) It’s been too long since I had a good reason to go see a karate flick—thanks RZA.

I swear I’ll post something not directly related to a movie at some point.
